





欧宝体育app入口, 欧宝体育app入口随时准备帮助家庭顺利度过过渡期.


是否通过 居住生活, 学生健康, 安全 & 安全, or 技术, we provide services that help you and your child focus on what's important: academics. 






暑期迎新和学术注册 is the official beginning of your son or daughter's life as a student at 欧宝体育app入口.  在飙升, your family will be introduced to the many academic and student-support resources that are available to your family. 


SOAR will provide you with everything your son or daughter needs to successfully start their SFU experience! 




你家里有人想加入欧宝体育app入口吗? 这份录取时间表将帮助你保持一切正常.








  • Application for Admission Opens – admissions decisions are processed on a rolling basis (with the exception of the Physician Assistant program)

10月/ 11月:

  • 参观校园或参加开放日活动


  • 应用 for 金融援助 through the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 to receive federal, 状态, 以及机构财政援助.
  • 医师助理项目的录取决定已经公布.


  • 参加你的录取学生日活动!
  • 您的学生帐户和预注册开放(仅适用于已存款的学生).

4月/ 5月:

  • 应付学费保证金!


  • 参加暑期迎新和学术注册(SOAR)日!
    • 见见你的学术顾问
    • 收到你的秋季课程表
    • 领取学生证


  • 参加新生报到/入住 & 新生迎新!




  • 我的学生会有学术顾问吗?

    The primary purpose of the academic advising program is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans which are compatible with their life 目标. 在欧宝体育app入口, 学术咨询被视为一个持续的澄清和评估过程. The Center for Academic Success and First-Year Experience works in conjunction with the academic advisor and the student to help support educational needs and 目标. The office is open to all students as an additional and/or supplemental academic resource. 

    作为大学第一年指导计划的一部分, entering students are assigned to advisors during the 暑期迎新和学术注册 (SOAR) Program the summer prior to their freshman year. These academic advisors help students with academic and transition issues by providing guidance and support throughout their freshman year.

    每学期学生都可以参加单独的学术咨询会议. The advisor will review and utilize and available data about the student’s academic and educational needs, 表演, 目标, 和问题. The ultimate responsibility for making decisions about life 目标 and educational plans rests with the student. The advisor will assist by helping to identify and assess alternatives and the consequences of decisions.如果你需要指定学术顾问以外的其他帮助, individual and walk-in appointments are available at the Center of 学者 Success & 在圣弗朗西斯堂的第一年经历.

  • 欧宝体育app入口需要每年申请经济资助吗?


    Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) each year using updated tax information to be considered for maximum institutional, 联邦和州资格.  Merit based financial aid is renewed annually provided the students adheres to the terms and conditions of the award. 

  • 我的学生需要健康保险吗


    所有全日制学生必须有健康保险.  他们可以享受父母或配偶的保险计划, under their own plan or they can enroll in 欧宝体育app入口's 学生健康 insurance plan.  The student will be given information at the beginning of the fall semester on the University's health insurance plan.  It will be up to the student to decide if the University's plan is the right option for them.

    Students are required to either enroll or waive in the 欧宝体育app入口 health insurance EACH year.

  • 非天主教学生可获得哪些资源?

    The 校园部 Department provides worship and prayer along with fellowship and service opportunities for members of all faith traditions.  A non-denominational Christian Praise and Worship Service is offered on campus every Sunday. There are also numerous quaint locations on campus for quiet prayer and reflection including a spiritual wellness room in the DiSepio Institute. 奖学金 opportunities exist such as Cru, 奖学金 of Christian Athletes and Bible study. 

    Our Peer 部 program consists of students who are witnesses to their Christian faith. They provide pastoral care and retreats, prayer and service opportunities to fellow students.  This group of dynamic young people host roughly one-hundred and thirty programs per year including four to five retreats which are open to all university students.

    校园信仰生活的新成员是F.I.S.H. (信仰启发学生住房)项目.  This living and learning community provides an opportunity where Christian students can strive for healthy, 平衡, 人际关系和相互挑战精神上的发展, 情感上和学术上.  Those students involved in the faith based housing program offer various programs throughout the year.

  • 我的学生在校园里可以有车吗 & 一张停车许可证的费用是多少?

    是的,你的孩子可以在校园里有车. 然而,欧宝体育app入口鼓励新生仔细考虑他们对车辆的需求.  Parking is limited and parking is assigned upon obtaining a 欧宝体育app入口 parking permit.  常驻学生的许可证是每年130美元.  通勤费为每年110美元.    

  • 我的学生没有车. 什么交通资源是可用的?

    The 欧宝体育app入口 Transportation Services Program is available to assist students in connecting to local transportation centers for bus, 火车, 或者在学习休息期间往返于家中的航空运输(如.e. mid-semester breaks, Thanksgiving and Easter breaks, and beginning and end of academic semesters).

    SFU Transportation regularly services the Johnstown/Cambria County Airport and the Altoona-Blair County Airport for flights and the Altoona Transportation Center for Amtrak 火车 and Greyhound bus.  Additionally, SFU Transportation also services the Pittsburgh International Airport.  Low standard rates are charged for students who utilize regularly-scheduled shuttles; a more competitive, premium rate is charged for students who desire a more customized services outside the regular service.

    Additional services provided by the Center for Student Engagement includes weeknight shopping to local stores including the Ebensburg Walmart, 以及约翰斯顿和阿尔图纳的购物中心和广场.  这项服务是免费的,先到先得.

  • 我会给我的学生提供一台笔记本电脑吗?

    所有全日制本科学生都需要购买一台笔记本电脑 笔记本电脑程序, 哪些学校授予学生使用最新学术软件的权利, 互联网, 电子邮件, 以及印刷服务. 

Saying goodbye is hard; but we make staying a family easy.



